Polyanna Marie Lacang, a friend of mine ever since. She's been with me through thick and thin. She's the kind of person, who is always at risk. She enjoys to laugh and brings happiness to all of us. You may never notice her, but deep within our hearts, look well, look at her, and you'll find the part which have been missing for a lot of years. Yes, most of us would say, a prince will always come to save his princess, but is that all it takes to enjoy life's possession?
POY,POLY,POLYANNA, call her whatever name you want but I'll always call her my friend. A friend who will travel miles apart just to see you smile. A friend who will break the great wall of China just to cross the other side. A friend who will hold your hand and tell you "Everything's fine".
If I never knew you, I would never experience such wonderful things. I would even be alone by now. I just wanted to let you know, I am very grateful to be your friend. :)
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