Saturday, March 26, 2011
No one knows..
Life is unpredictable. No one can take it away from you neither can they restore you back to life. They can either cure you or just prolong your life and make you like a living dead, as what I've heard other people say. Okay, so my lola has been in the i.c.u and she's not well. The doctor said she would be lucky to reach 48 hours alive. Oh, I'm so damn nervous. I've prayed. My family and I did the rosary every evening and offered masses for her to be okay. So far, my dad said that she's fine for now but we do not know what will happen tomorrow. Tomorrow's dialysis day and my mom and dad will be going to visit her. As far as I know, she has kidney failure and there's water inside her skin. She won't make wee-wee. =). Our relatives have been arriving here just to be with her, to see her smile and hold her hand. My tito always told us, "you have to make the most out of today's blessings, because it might be gone tomorrow when you wake up". He's absolutely correct! For now, all we have to do is to make her feel that we are in this together. We have to make her feel that we are here for her and make her feel loved. =)
"You are not supposed to look back, you're supposed to keep going"
-the lovely bones
Life is unpredictable. No one can take it away from you neither can they restore you back to life. They can either cure you or just prolong your life and make you like a living dead, as what I've heard other people say. Okay, so my lola has been in the i.c.u and she's not well. The doctor said she would be lucky to reach 48 hours alive. Oh, I'm so damn nervous. I've prayed. My family and I did the rosary every evening and offered masses for her to be okay. So far, my dad said that she's fine for now but we do not know what will happen tomorrow. Tomorrow's dialysis day and my mom and dad will be going to visit her. As far as I know, she has kidney failure and there's water inside her skin. She won't make wee-wee. =). Our relatives have been arriving here just to be with her, to see her smile and hold her hand. My tito always told us, "you have to make the most out of today's blessings, because it might be gone tomorrow when you wake up". He's absolutely correct! For now, all we have to do is to make her feel that we are in this together. We have to make her feel that we are here for her and make her feel loved. =)
"You are not supposed to look back, you're supposed to keep going"
-the lovely bones
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Reaction Paper
First of all, RH-bill is a Philippine bill aiming to guarantee universal access to methods and information on birth control and maternal care. This means using of condoms and other stuff that will not make a woman pregnant. This should not be the case in our country. Philippines, mainly Manila, is a country which I believe, believes in one god and one god alone, which is God the Father. We should then respect what He gave us and make use of it. Sex is sacred. I once heard my lolo saying this line and he vaguely explained that sex is not only for reproducing and making babies but we should respect it for it is a blessing, that we could see another life coming here on earth. But how can we reproduce and enhance our race if we have this RH-bill? By using condom, it is teaching us to be selfish and self-centered. Why? We do not think of what's the purpose of having sex and instead enjoy it as a game of maliciousness. We only think of our own selves and why we are doing these kind of things. Another thing is, RH-bill is a contradiction to the church, because as what I've said, sex is sacred. Respect is one thing which people cannot buy, but must earn. Nowadays, women are treated like "sex toys" whenever boys fell like having sex with them. It doesn't mean that having this RH-bill could solve the problem. Think mainly of our own country, what will happen 15 years later on if the government approves the RH-bill? Philippine made China? Impossible! In addition, I've heard about this immunization thing which our Biology teacher once told us, that it contains chemicals which will not make a woman pregnant later on, for it controls their very own population. Yes, controlling the population might be good, but what will happen later on? If they all grow old, who will take care of them since none in the women society could not give birth anymore? And who will replace them if they'll die? Before making any drastic change, the government should first think deeply about approving this bill. There are a lot of people dying because of accidents and diseases, and once this bill is approved, who will replace them in the next generation? Let us not only think of ourselves, but the next generation to come. It doesn't mean that without this RH-bill, the Philippines will be like this forever. If we work hard, and without those corrupt governments, we could make this work. For me, I also blame those corrupt governments because they are part of why people here in the Philippines suffer poverty. They should set a good example to all. Advice: "Do not work for the government if you want to be rich, unless you steal money from those who work hard just to pay their taxes." Lastly, "I hope that those who authored the bill will also open themselves to be educated, so that they would pass a bill that would be more according to the heart of our people, according to our Catholic values and morality, since majority of our lawmakers has Catholic hearts." [adopted by] Lagdameo.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Okay. Yesterday, specifically 2 hours ago was my brother's 19th birthday. It's 2 O'clock in the morning and I don't even know what I'm doing. So okaay, yesterday morning, when I woke up, I took a bath and attended mass to thank God that my brother is still happy and alive. Next, we had breakfast with cousins and family. The whole afternoon was as normal as ever. The same old lame activities every Saturday. When evening came, my brother's friends came by and had dinner. The activities done after dinner and is still going on until now is the most fun of all. There was laughing and joking. You could just hear their voices from inside the house. It was fun, all though I am too sleepy to be with them. Oh well, what a fun day I've had. Always remember, birthday only comes once a year. GOODNIGHT =)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
I am a Filipino
I am a Filipino whose nation is wide.
Whose heart is overflowing with dignity and pride.
Let me serve thy country for once in my life
That I may be satisfied with heads held high.
Though I may not be rich with pleasure and fame
I can still serve thy country in my own little way.
By saying the truth and what matter it makes
As in the eyes of God, we are all the same.
And as we journey on through life,
Always cherish in your hearts, both body and mind,
The true meaning of the "Pearl of the Orient Isles".

They are my so-called awesome friends. Why? The one that tops my list is that they're ultimately crazy like
C-R-A-Z-Y. They do stuff you will never ever forget and they speak in random. Like, whatever thoughts they have, they say it and that's the most fun of all. Lastly, they are the ones you don't wanna mess with cause I'll always be here for them.
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